Step right up, come get your fill in the ever so wonderful world of curiosity. The promise is, if you stay curious and jump on the adventurous wild ride you will not be disappointed but transported into a land of endless beauty and magic. Fee Fee La Fou Enterprises can inspire, facilitate & empower everyone who comes into contact with this brand to express themselves freely & creatively in whatever form that might take.
Digitally printed ceramic plates by Camila Walala very colourful with positive images, would brighten up anyones day!
Fee Fee La Fou is an incredible space in Dalston that is filled with wondrous wonders. This HQ sells original art works, limited edition prints, bespoke furniture, jewellery & designer home wares. Absolutely everything at FFLF HQ is for sale; even the pets in residence, affectionately known as Cheap & Nasty, it's a must see space by everyone.
It has been a very very long time since I have craved a strawberry coated donut and when I saw these I honestly just wanted to demolish a whole box to myself. Calourette is one fantastic label! I have just spent over an hour going through all their designs are simply stunning. From rabbit heads, fingers, ears, walnut shells, so vibrant yet extremely simple that you can easily layer a few of their pieces.
FFLF is an artist inspired, concept boutique that makes curious products for curious people. Fee Fee’s ambition for Fee Fee La Fou is to use the space as a platform to showcase emerging talent, allow crosspollination of great ideas & to promote the transformative powers of the arts.
The space has a circus/ fairground theme and it is of great importance for Fee Fee (owner of FFLF and designer) explains ‘ever since I was little I've always been fascinated by both events whenever they rolled into town. Truly extraordinary, colourful places that send you senses into over drive & where anything & everything feels possible. Also there seem to be so many analogies between these two rich territories & making art - roller coaster rides, tight rope walkers, lion tamer's placing his head in the lion's mouth etc...’
The real raison d’etre is to offer a modern twist on the good old-fashioned curiosity shop. It’s spirit is inspired by ‘The Shop’ Tracy Emin’s & Sarah Lucas’s project space & Exhibition 3 curated by Peter Blake at the Museum of Everything.
Some of the stunning wallpaper is byLondon based designer Dan Heath. Trained in the traditional process of silk-screen printing at the Royal College of Art, he set up his studio in 2006 to create bespoke, hand printed fabrics and wallpaper. Just like the Amazing Jumbo wallpaper in the photos below..
FFLF HQ is also home sweet home to a bona fide, lesser-spotted but free-range artist. FFLF has exhibited her work nationally & internationally since graduating from Oxford University in 1998. Her work is inspired by some of her favourite things: neon colour, cruel or unrequited love, Aesop’s Fables, coccinellidae & all forms of camouflage.
Fee Fee has completed a BFA in painting at Oxford University 1998, before completing a MFA at the Slade School of Art in 2003. She has been a professional artist since then exhibiting predominantly in the UK but also overseas. As an artist she has always struggled with the solitude that often comes from working alone in my studio, so Fee Fee has always looked for ways to collaborate or interact with other interesting & creative people.
Fee Fee explains 'I’ve always been fascinated by the relationship between art & commerce – the shop feels like the perfect amalgamation of the two worlds. By setting up something like FFLF HQ I hope to dispel some of the myths about artists & to prove that it is possible for them to posses good business acumen. 'After all Making money is an art form...and good business is the best art (Andy Warhol)"'
These pots are all hand made by Fee Fee!
NEIVZ is a product/fashion line that produces unique and highly expressive work along a colorful spectrum with Top 40 radio, Mickey Mouse, and candy paint on one side and Kasimir Malevich, computer programs, and futuristic architecture on the other.
Neivz collection is super graphic, cheeky with a great eye for detail and aesthetics. The thoughtful ways of combining intelligent art with and fantastic materials can be seen throughout all their products. All of Neivz's products are made in Los Angeles with tons of tender loving care from a small independent studio.
For further details, some inspiration or a mere distraction runaway with the FFLF circus any day. The shop is open Wednesday – Saturday noon until 7pm & Sunday lunchtime until 5pm. It’s located just two minutes from Dalston Kingsland Overground Station & beside the Vortex Jazz bar, on 6 Bradbury Street, N16 8JN.
The website launches early in 2012 but in the meantime please join our mailing list, so we can share all our forthcoming adventures & spread some playful mischief along the way.
On Saturday the 10th of December FFLF will be celebrating the imminent arrival of Saint Nicholas & her Germanic roots by showcasing some gorgeous German Christmas decorations, handmade stocking fillers & enticing visitors with delicious Lebkuchen & original, extra ordinary Christmas gifts. Frohe Weihnachten.
Stay Curious…
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Bring Bring; 0797 381 9967
i love this post! what quirky stuff, i love the teapots and the flag style necklaces x